Wednesday, January 21, 2015

What I've Learned at the Castle

So I moved to The Castle. 
I did a small amount of rebelling at the name of my new location but since the name came before I did I realized that there was no point in me getting stressed over a name.  I will admit in my false humility in a castle is not a place I was aspiring to live.  But alas I have learned to like our Castle.

 Recently I was reading a blog which challenged it's readers to think of themselves as less Princess and more Servant. Which once again got me to thinking.   Do I really want to be identified as living in a Castle?  For is it not Princesses who live in castles?  But then I thought... Wait a minute!  You should meet the occupants of my Castle.  Let me tell you a bit of what what I've learned about servant-hood from living with them.

 When there are mice.  The mice get caught.

Christmas comes and I am given a new favorite book. 
I won't say how I feel about being compared to a bat. In the end of the story I'm not scary, I'm the cutest  There may have been just a bit of flattery applied here. 

For our Christmas meal together we enjoyed the simple things.  Like McDonalds sandwiches.

In the evenings I've been served tea and hot chocolate in my favorite mug.  (maybe just a touch of flattery with the mug as well)

That's right.  I stayed seated (or sprawled as it might happen to be) on my comfy black couch under my nice warm blanket  and the hot chocolate just arrives.   You can't ask for more than that now can you?  

But I'm just now getting to the best part.  Since right now I am gone three nights a week I am realizing how blessed I am by The Castle or rather my servant friends who live there.  I miss our talks and the laughter.  
We talk and talk.  Oh the things we discuss, the problems we solve.  You know like.... (Oh wait, I can't tell you for we have an agreement among us.  What's said at The Castle stays at The Castle!) 

But you know what - those ladies - They're all pretty amazing for they keep me posted on all the latest happenings in their lives even when I'm not there.   You couldn't  ask for better friends than that.  Now could ya?

And when I grow up...Maybe I'll be more like them.  Maybe I'll be the one catching mice, or serving tea.  Maybe I'll even give complementary books for Christmas...And I'm really learning to enjoy the simple things in life. 

Life at The Castle is good!  You really should try it sometime.    

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