Sunday, July 27, 2014

The Truth vs. Dramatic Heroes

Several years ago I read the book The Road of Lost Innocence: The true story of a Cambodian Heroine. It's a very wowish book in which a Cambodian lady went through awful, awful things at the hands of brothel owners after being sold and trafficked.  Eventually she found her freedom and began a foundation for rescuing other girls. 

It's an amazing story really.  An amazing woman!  The only thing I always wished was to hear that Samoly Mam had somehow learned to know Jesus. 

None the less, Samoly Mam is a hero.  She spent about 20 years helping others, rescuing them from brothels and giving them a better life.  I kept telling myself, if I ever go back to Cambodia I must look up Samoly Mam. When Nicholas Kristof and Half the Sky made a documentary in which he took celebrities into different countries to raise awareness of the oppression of women around the world, I was delighted that Samoly Mam was included.  Yes, Nicholas took Meg Ryan to visit and interview Samoly Mam.  In watching the documentary I again felt a tinge of sadness that no recognition was given to Jesus who is in the business of changing lives. 

Then recently I heard that there are allegations out that Samoly's story may not be entirely true.
So why would she make up such a story?   And what about the many girls who are being helped through the organization that she founded? 
Yes, she raised tremendous awareness to a real problem.  Human Trafficking.   Some may say that although her methods might not have been the best at least awareness has been raised and good has come from it. 

Does the end justify the means? 

On the other hand is it possible that WE THE PEOPLE and our love for dramatic success stories could be part of the problem?
We like to hear about the rescued girls who are simply overjoyed that we would share a few dollars so that they could have a better education.   We like to hear how our donations to good causes are feeding the hungry, saving lives, and transforming their futures.

Having lived overseas with the hope that I might be able to help a few young people have a better life I know some of the stresses of  wanting to tell supporters what they want to hear.  Sometimes it is just plain hard to know what to write in newsletters.  Life is normal. The dramatic seems to be happening to others, not so much for me.   Youth you are working with don't seem to be listening to what you're saying.  And believe it or not there are some who don't want to be rescued...or even know they need to be rescued.  There are those whom you try to teach new ways, who simply return to the same old ways.  Furthermore, I am selfish, I get very annoyed (I don't want to use the word mad, because that would sound really bad), have bad attitudes and wonder what in the world is wrong with these crazies who aren't listening to me. These are things you really don't want to write home about.  Sometimes the stories of failure happen way more often than the successes.  And what?? People are sending you money to fail?! 

I say that during my 5-1/2 years in Asia I believe that God taught me more than I taught anyone else.  This can be a bit disconcerting when you meet me and realize that I'm still a basket case.  Really I spent all that support money on language study, housing and food for me, to succeed at what??

So...WE THE PEOPLE... Let's learn to be okay with the truth.  The truth that life is not always dramatic or filled with dramatic success stories (although granted there are a few).   And let's do our best to know The Truth.  Which by the way, is the best part of what I've been thinking about for this post.  

What is The Truth?   Or maybe a better question would be Who is The Truth?  
For Jesus said "I am The Truth".  John 14:6
And in John 8:32 He says; "Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free".  Maybe, just maybe we should capitalize The Truth and make it a proper noun.  I'm not trying to change scriptures or take things out of context but...Jesus did say..."I am The Truth".   And I know that there is freedom in knowing HIM.   

So my for Samoly Mam and all her girls to know The Truth.
I also hope that someday when I get to heaven I'll learn that some of my failures where not so much failures but some how, in some way The Truth has turn them into success stories (complete with some drama). 

And to my faithful supporters over the years.   Thank YOU!  Thanks for believing in the power of The Truth.   Thanks for not giving up on me.  Thanks for allowing me to be real, for allowing me to fail and believing that in the end The Truth will bring freedom for many. 
And Please...continue to support others by allowing them to be real, allowing them to fail, and believing that although sometimes your support might seem to fall upon failure there are a few...a few lives changed, a few rescued from slavery, and best of all a few more beautiful people whom we'll meet in heaven because of your promotion of The Truth.

Random Thoughts and Questions on Prayer

Here's something I've been thinking about for a couple of months now. I guess I will go ahead and get it off of my chest.  I...