Sunday, January 5, 2014

Expanding Intelligence

Since reading expands the mind and increases intelligence here's my attempt at reading for 2013.  I know it's not so great but this does not include textbooks, newspapers, magazines and such.   This is purely for the fun of it reading.   :-) 

  1. A Year of Biblical Womanhood:  How a liberated woman found herself sitting on her roff, covering her head and calling her husband master - By Rachel Held Evens
  2. Be Committed:  Doing God's will whatever the cost.  (An old Testament Study of Ruth and Esther) By Warren W. Wiersbe
  3. Half the Sky: Turning Oppression into Opportunity for Women Worldwide  - By Nicholas D. Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn
  4. Speaking of Jesus: The Art of Not Evangelism - By Carl Medearis
  5. Joey's Story - By Ruth Ann Stelfox
  6. Adopted -  By Becky McGurrin
  7. The God's at War - By Kyle Idleman
  8. Orphan Justice - By Johnny Carr
  9. The Exodus Road: One woman's Journey into Sex Trafficking and Rescue - By Laura Parker
  10. Human Trafficking:  A real life point of view of Sex Slavery in Thailand from the Front Lines - By Abraham Falls
  11. Secret Shadow - By Lareen Plett
  12. God in a Brothel:  An Undercover Journey into Sex Trafficking and Rescue - By Daniel Walker
  13. Amy Carmichael - By Janet and Geoff Benge
  14. George Mueller - By Janet & Geoff Benge
Then there is also the Audio books - You see, it's not exactly safe to drive and read but I can listen.  
  1. Roots (Audio Book) By Alex Haley
  2. Radical (Audio Book) - By David Platt
  3. Pilgrims Progress (Audio Book) By John Bunyon
  4. Radical Idea (Audio Book) By David Platt
I find myself drawn to reading about human trafficking, orphans, and radical living.  I read the books, I become informed, now how can I speak of Jesus to the hurting?   How can I be Jesus to the hurting? What is my part in bringing justice and freedom to the slaves?   How can I spare help the children to avoid a lifetime of scars and pain?

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Moving Forward (while reflecting back) + Seeing who's the GREATEST!

The Year 2014 is upon us!

Looking back at 2013 it can tend to feel as if I haven't made much progress.   I still long for the warm weather of SE Asia.  I miss my friends there and long for a heart to heart talk with some of them. I miss using the Lao language. I miss the feelings of belonging and fulfillment that came from a productive day of teaching, interacting with students and staff or simply making some headway on new curriculum.  I MISS THAT!  Aren't those feelings of loss suppose to lessen and life in America become normal? 

2013 started a new beginning for me.   A time of adjusting to the cold weather, finding a new job, finding new friends, and trying to find a place to belong and fulfillment in a new life.

Looking back at 2013 and what do I see -  
God is amazing!  So many details he's worked out for me.    Little teeny, tiny details that can often seem almost to small to even take to him - he cares! 

Here's a few of the many:
  • Searching for a job - discouraged/tears/ feeling that in Laos there is no lack of work so what in the world am I doing here, applying several places to no avail. Praying for a job where I actually feel needed - and behold on just the right day at just the right time I find just the right job!  
  • Looking for a place to live - Classes start June 10 and needing a place by then/finding the perfect place and making up my mind just a day or two too late, not once but twice/ and then finding yet another place.  This place must really be the PERFECT place for it has worked out nicely! 
  • Searching for job #2 near my new home and school - applying many places/searching out places/making phone calls/ feeling discouraged one Friday morning as I finally break down and decide to drop off my application at a fast food restaurant.   And then on my way 'just happening' to see and stop at one last motel along the way.   I never did make it to that restaurant.  I had a job the very next day.   
  • But - for the aforementioned job I needed a plain black skirt - Dreading the search/these things can be a pain to find when you actually need them/knowing I might be all over town before the day is out in search of the skirt but /saying a prayer before entering the first store.  Amazingly walking out of the very same store with the black skirt!   Does God care about little things?   I THINK SO!!!
  • Waking up sad/longing for the good old friend to have a good talk/tears/missing/dreading my evening out with a new friend whom I don't know well.  God used that new friend to really bless me above and beyond my expectations!  
  • Someone to bless me by paying 3 months of rent! 
  • Helping me pass (with good grades) 7 classes!  I am humbled!  God gave me a brain and abilities, God have me this opportunity to learn He expects me to use it!  

 Have I made progress?  It is a little hard to say.  I'm still cold a lot.  I still miss my friends.  I still often feel like I haven't really found my place to fit in and be fulfilled in America.

But who's to say what is true progress.   What I really want is to know Jesus better.  I've really been thinking about what my relationship with him means and what walking/living/being in the Spirit really means. 

So for 2014 - My desire is to continue learning to know Jesus - continue being led in very real ways by the Holy Spirit.

I'm excited about how He will work in 2014! 

Random Thoughts and Questions on Prayer

Here's something I've been thinking about for a couple of months now. I guess I will go ahead and get it off of my chest.  I...