Sunday, January 5, 2014

Expanding Intelligence

Since reading expands the mind and increases intelligence here's my attempt at reading for 2013.  I know it's not so great but this does not include textbooks, newspapers, magazines and such.   This is purely for the fun of it reading.   :-) 

  1. A Year of Biblical Womanhood:  How a liberated woman found herself sitting on her roff, covering her head and calling her husband master - By Rachel Held Evens
  2. Be Committed:  Doing God's will whatever the cost.  (An old Testament Study of Ruth and Esther) By Warren W. Wiersbe
  3. Half the Sky: Turning Oppression into Opportunity for Women Worldwide  - By Nicholas D. Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn
  4. Speaking of Jesus: The Art of Not Evangelism - By Carl Medearis
  5. Joey's Story - By Ruth Ann Stelfox
  6. Adopted -  By Becky McGurrin
  7. The God's at War - By Kyle Idleman
  8. Orphan Justice - By Johnny Carr
  9. The Exodus Road: One woman's Journey into Sex Trafficking and Rescue - By Laura Parker
  10. Human Trafficking:  A real life point of view of Sex Slavery in Thailand from the Front Lines - By Abraham Falls
  11. Secret Shadow - By Lareen Plett
  12. God in a Brothel:  An Undercover Journey into Sex Trafficking and Rescue - By Daniel Walker
  13. Amy Carmichael - By Janet and Geoff Benge
  14. George Mueller - By Janet & Geoff Benge
Then there is also the Audio books - You see, it's not exactly safe to drive and read but I can listen.  
  1. Roots (Audio Book) By Alex Haley
  2. Radical (Audio Book) - By David Platt
  3. Pilgrims Progress (Audio Book) By John Bunyon
  4. Radical Idea (Audio Book) By David Platt
I find myself drawn to reading about human trafficking, orphans, and radical living.  I read the books, I become informed, now how can I speak of Jesus to the hurting?   How can I be Jesus to the hurting? What is my part in bringing justice and freedom to the slaves?   How can I spare help the children to avoid a lifetime of scars and pain?

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