Monday, March 17, 2014

Questions on The Church:

Misleading Church Sign

I've been thinking for awhile about writing about church.   The title which has been most prominent in my mind being 'Bothered by Church'.   I've never quite mustered up the courage to actually write the post.  One can never tell who might read what is written and use it as evidence against me. 

As time goes on and I begin to study The Doctrine of the Church in Theology class, more thoughts of writing fill me head.   Mostly questions, they fill my head, they cause me to talk to myself hashing out problems, reasons why some aspects of church bother me, and wondering if I've totally missed the point of church.   After all what is the point of church?

Church; it's such a good idea but are our attempts at church really the Biblical way?  What should church look like?   What is the reason for church?  Or maybe I should go back to the very basic question of what is church? 

What do I think of when I think of church? 
What should I think of when I think of church?
Furthermore, is this a discussion on the local church or the church worldwide?  Is there a difference?

Is local church membership important? If so why? Is Sunday morning attendance necessary?   After all, as Billy from Family Circus says you can get an app for it now.

So I recently heard a sermon on Church Loyalty.  I think I mostly agree although what is it that I'm loyal to?   The little white church building?   The rules and regulations?  This goes back to the question, "What is church?"  If I'm going to be loyal I'd like to know what I'm loyal to.

So should I be bothered by church?

For now...I think I may go back to talking to myself, hashing out church issues, and read the book of Acts.   When I've hashed this a bit farther I may write some more and maybe I'll even come up with some answers.   Maybe I'll even ask for some other opinions.  Maybe together we can get this thing of church figured out once and for all. After all isn't working together part of what church is about?   And maybe then I won't be bothered anymore. 

Please note that these are questions, not my beliefs or opinions.   These are suppose to be non-threatening questions. I am not trying to challenge anyone opinions or beliefs.  How is one to learn anything if one never asks questions. 
Next time maybe I'll share some of what I think is the Biblical purpose and mission of the church. 

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