Thursday, February 14, 2013

Good Intentions...

...look how far they've gotten me. 

I have such good intentions.  I often think now I should write about that, or this, or that other thing.  I really do intend to...later when it's more convenient.  

I have good stories to tell.
Good books to debate.
Good complaints (is that an oxymoron) to throw out there.  (while I'm on the complaint idea, may I mention that Americans are some of the best complainers I have met in my travels.  I used to be the best and then I returned to the states and realized I have competition.)

So many good ideas.  (I'm a bit ADD when it comes to ideas) They are indeed all good ideas but we all know that not all good ideas actually work.

So many things to write about so why not start tomorrow!

Random Thoughts and Questions on Prayer

Here's something I've been thinking about for a couple of months now. I guess I will go ahead and get it off of my chest.  I...